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Over the last two decades traditional religious organizations have seen their recruitment numbers drop steadily, year after year.  The younger generations don’t seem to “vibe”, with traditional religion the way their grand and great-grand parents had.

Many people are seeking other ways to express their spirituality without being part of an organization, and there are those who; good or bad, are offering to provide an alternative. The latest trend is what I call Nouveau Spiritual, you’ve seen the ads. “Go beyond the physical”, “Transcendence”, “Awakening of the Soul”, Achieve all your desire with Meditation, “Become your Higher Self”, etc.

They all claim to help you discover your supernatural powers, but they never mention God. Why is that? Any fair-minded human being must conclude that there is a Creator, a Supreme Being who has manifested the world we live in. Therefore, any awakening, going beyond the physical, or  to a higher self must involve the Supreme Being, the Creator, God.

The so-called “Law of Attraction” states that the universe will provide you with what you believe is yours and the things you desire by mentally focusing on your goals. Really? I have always understood God as being the benefactor, not the universe.  Anyhow, what many of these so-called spiritualist are doing is taking ancient spiritual laws, philosophies, psychology, and techniques such as mediation and affirmations, and creating their own spiritual, transcendental systems that they proclaim will transform you into a successful human being.

Without knowledge of God and Self, you are not transcending anything. You might learn  a few valuable concepts and principles; however, their systems can never empower you with the ability to achieve your true destiny – The realization of Self as a Divine being.  As an ancient aphorism states “Knowledge of Self, is the beginning and end of all Knowledge.”

Those who offer awakening, transcendence and success systems promise to help you acquire unique abilities. Powers beyond the average human being, this is appealing to millions of people. We human beings have a desire to be all-powerful. That is why we love movies and stories with superheroes with super-human abilities.

Those who offer awakening, transcendence and success systems promise to help you acquire unique abilities. Powers beyond the average human being, this is appealing to millions of people. We human beings have a desire to be all-powerful. That is why we love movies and stories with superheroes with super-human abilities.

We all desire to have super-human abilities, and deep within ourselves we believe it is possible. The reason we believe that it is possible, is because it is possible. We are capable of extraordinary powers and abilities; however, it is an extremely more complex and challenging task than the so-called Nouveau Spiritual teachers will have you believe. History has shown that achieving great things requires great effort.

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