Manifest Your Dreams & Aspirations

Person standing on the top of a mountain

“Knowledge of Self” is the Beginning and End of All Knowledge.

“Knowledge of Self”, reveals the truth of who you are, why you were created and the powers that lie dormant within your being.

The journey to discover One’s true-self is the Labyrinth. It is the mystery to be solved!  It is the key to the Kingdom!  This is the power that will allow you to achieve great success in life.

Transcending the Labyrinth offers a powerful course on how to manifest your dormant faculties and talents that will allow you to succeed at any endeavor you choose to pursue.

Life is challenges, and achieving great things requires great effort. Learn how to properly direct your life-force to assist you in manifesting your dreams and aspirations. Check out our Spiritual articles, and the “Science of Life” course for more information.