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Many motivational speakers and self-development gurus insist that you can achieve all your goals if you have strong “Will-Power.”  Think positive, Will yourself to success, they say. This may be news to you, but your will is powerless. Your will is nothing more than your intentions and desires.  Your will cannot carry out your intentions, plans, desires, or anything else you imagine.

The realization of your intentions and desires requires energy. This is where your life-force comes in, it is responsible for carrying out your will. The reason most people who desire or intend to lose weight, or stop smoking, or create a successful business fail, is because they are not able to bind their will with their life-force.  In his best-selling book on success titled Psycho-Cybernetics, by Maxwell Maltz, states that if a person has a goal and holds an image of that goal in the mind long enough, that goal will manifest.

This is only partially true. What is really going on is when you visualize an image of what you desire to accomplish, you create an object, a form, a picture that serves as a guide to the life-force as to what you desire.  The life-force is the motive energy behind the realization of a goal.  

The life-force doesn’t differentiate between god and bad intentions, this motive energy will go into effect to manifest what the mind focuses on and finds pleasurable. The life-force cannot think, it can only respond to the will of the mind.  It works to bring about what the mind deems as pleasurable. When the mind visualizes things that are  unpleasurable the life force doesn’t work to fulfill those things.

This brings us back to my early statement that most people cannot bind their will with their life-force. Exercising and dieting are not pleasurable, therefore the life-force doesn’t resonate strongly with those things. Thus, your energy towards these things is low. Most people would love to have a PhD, a Master’s degree, or have a successful business, but to obtain these things requires hard work and sacrifice. Hard work and sacrifice are not pleasurable things, and again the life-force doesn’t respond well.

So, what makes financially successful people successful. Most successful people have a high degree of passion. Passion generates an elevated level of energy. Most people who are successful in making a lot of money or who have achieved a high level of success in business or politics, have extreme passion for what they want to achieve. Passion, however, can be a dangerous sword if the passion is originating from the lower-self. 

A person with a strong passion to achieve something, will turn on his or her family and friends, lie, steal, cheat, and even kill to achieve that goal. The dictators of the world have killed millions of people due their desire and passion to stay in power.

The life-force cannot think or act on its own. It only responds to the will by way of the mind and the mind gets its instructions from either the lower-self or the higher-Self. The realization of your higher Self brings forth the awareness that man has access to God’s omnipotence and omniscience. This omnipotence and omniscience endow us  with the ability to have complete control of the life-force.

To learn more about the realization of one’s “True Self” check out our Spiritual Development Course.

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