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The brain is the most complex organ in the human body, and over the last four to five decades, scientists, behavioralists, psychologist and others have made huge advancements in understanding how our brain works. To better understand our behavior, it’s important to understand that Man’s brain consist of four brains.  Each brain plays a unique part in the development of man’s evolution towards his higher self.  

The first and most primitive brain is the “reptilian brain”.  It is located at the base of the brain. This brain influences us to manifest reptilian behavior. Next there is the “mammalian brain.”  This brain sits above the reptilian brain. This is where we exhibit the influences of the life of beasts. Our instincts to feed, to survive through fight, or flight, and to procreate, flow from the mammalian brain.

Above the previous two brains sits the third and fourth brains, the “cerebral cortex”, and the “frontal lobe”. This is where human beings separate themselves from animals. The cerebral cortex is where we learn and store information. The frontal lobe is responsible for cognitive functions such as memory, emotions, impulse control, problem solving and social interaction.

The first two brains, reptilian, and mammalian are animalistic. The cerebral cortex and the frontal lobe represent Man’s qualities, with the most important one being “free will”.  All animals operate from instincts, Man can choose his behavior.  However, if Man does not develop his higher brain functions, the animal or lower parts of the brain will dominate his or her life to their detriment. For example, when we allow stress to overwhelm us our bodies create huge amounts of cortisol and other harmful hormones that damage the higher brain and other organs of the body.

The purpose and role of the higher brains are to modulate the two lower brains, the animal brains.  If we are unable to develop and utilize our higher brains, we become like animals. When we succumb to the lower brains, we open ourselves up to immoral behavior such as lying, stealing, cheating, murder, and rape.

As I stated earlier, the lower brains are important to us as human beings, but they must not dominate our lives. Our destiny is of a higher realm of being. Cultivating our spiritual development increases the functionality of our higher brains and in return allows us to flourish, to dwell in peace, and to experience unity and love with all the creatures on earth.

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