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Esoteric means hidden or obscure; specifically specialized or advanced knowledge. Exoteric means knowledge and information that is general knowledge to the masses.  In spiritual terms Exotericism refers to spiritual knowledge that is common knowledge and available for public consumption. Esotericism on the other hand refers to secret, obscure, or hidden spiritual knowledge. Knowledge that is not readily available to the masses.

Most religions have an esoteric and exoteric version of their spiritual concepts and teachings.  For example, in the Jewish religion, Judaism, their exoteric book is the Hebrew Bible. It is available for anyone to read. The esoteric version of the Jewish religion is the Kabala. Kabalistic teachings are known and taught by high-priest to initiates who have proven themselves worthy to receive these teachings.

In Christianity, Rosicrucian is considered an esoteric version of the Christian faith. The Rosicrucian teachings hold that man is a Spirit with all the powers of God and can and will be manifested over existences or incarnations.

Sufism is considered the esoteric or mystical version of Islam. Their esoteric teachings also proclaim man’s God-like potential. The following is a verse from their writings:

“He who is absent far away from God – His heart can only say ‘God is somewhere’
He who has found the Loved One in him-self, for him God is not He, nor Thou, but I.

The one thing that differentiates exoteric spiritual teachings from esoteric spiritual teachings is that in exoteric teachings proclaims that man is impotent and must pray to God for assistance for his prosperity in life.

In esoteric teachings man is a microcosm of God and that man must become an initiate so that she or he can receive the secrets to becoming a divine man or divine woman. Everyone is at a different level of spiritual development; therefore, esoteric spirituality is not for everyone due their stage of spiritual development. If you are at peace and find wisdom and love through your exoteric teachings, then you should continue to do so. However, if you have a yearning to get closer to God, to know God, and to know one’s true self, then you should seek out esoteric spiritual guidance.

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