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Throughout the world people express widely different views concerning morality, spirituality, culture. They also have various levels of education and upbring.  Regardless of any of the above, people fundamentally fall into one of three levels of consciousness. Each level details the behavior that an individual will exhibit based on the level of their consciousness.

The Chinese Taoist states the three levels of consciousness as

  • The Inferior Man (the masses)
  • The Superior Man (person)
  • The Sage (one who has identified with one’s True Self).

In the Kamitic/Egyptian spiritualism the three levels of consciousness are

  • The Sahu Man (the masses)
  • The Ab Man (person)
  • The Ba Man (God Man/God Woman) (one who has identified with one’s True Self).

All human beings have the potential within themselves to achieve the highest level of consciousness. To reach this level you must understand the work to be done and to commit wholeheartedly to doing the work that is required to achieve the highest level of consciousness.  Unfortunately, the majority of the people in the world, regardless of race, gender, wealth class, or education, have their conscious dwelling at the “Inferior Man or Sahu Man level. This is the source of humanity’s ills.

The following is a synopsis of each level of Consciousness:

The Inferior/Sahu person is one who is controlled by their emotions and sensual desires. They act and react on impulse. They only know what was taught to them by others. These individuals imitate the behavior (right or wrong) of the society or culture they live. They cannot sense the correct way of living. For example, an Inferior/Sahu person will smoke cigarettes around people who don’t smoke. They don’t see or care that they are imposing toxins on other people. They exhibit selfishness and lack the ability to be one with others.

The Superior/Ab person, in contrast to the Inferior/Sahu person, uses his intellect to subdue his/her emotional and sensual desires. They will not allow their sensual desires or negative emotions get them in trouble. This type of person is willing to work with others, share with others, and respect others. They find value in morality and integrity. The Superior/Ab person recognizes and understands abstract terms, things that are not defined in concrete terms. An inferior/Sahu person cannot understand a concept such as:  E=MC2 which states:

Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared – this formula states that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. Under the right conditions’ energy can become matter and matter can become energy.  FACT: a beam of light and an apple or any other object is a different form of the same thing. Liken it to a potter who can make many different things out of the same substance – Clay.

This is an abstract concept, difficult for most people to comprehend, but nature does, and so does a Superior/Ab person. They can intuit abstract terms and concepts. Many Superior/Ab people sense that there is something bigger than themselves in life. They are curious to know more and are open to larger and more meaningful purposes in life.

The Sage/Ba-Man person is one who has raised his/her consciousness to the highest division of the Spirit. This division of the spirit is the Divine Spirit, in it resides Man’s God-like faculties, and attributes. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Confucius, and many Kamitic Kings achieved the level of Sage/Ba Man status. It takes many incarnations to reach the level of Sage or Ba Man. Understanding this journey encourages an individual to sow good seed throughout each incarnation, so that one may advance spiritually in each life that one is blessed to have.

*** For more detailed information on the three levels of consciousness, check out our “Spiritual Teachings” section.  Click here

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