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Past Lives and Reincarnation 

One of the most intriguing and polarizing questions from a spiritual standpoint is “do you believe in reincarnation?.”  Religions such Christianity, Islam and Judaism reject reincarnation; however, most Eastern religions and spiritual doctrines embrace the concept of reincarnation.

Quite a bit of research has been done on reincarnation and the results are intriguing. Researchers have found that there are thousands of cases of people, especially children who remember their past life. At the University of Virginia’s Division of Personality Studies, they have on file over 2,700 documented cases of individuals speaking about their past life.

The claims of a past life by children are the strongest cases because many of these children remember things that they could not have known from their present life. Google “children who claim past lives”, you will find a ton of information on the subject. Some of these stories, many of them by children, are absolutely mind-blowing.

Reincarnation makes all the sense in the world when you look at it from a spiritual perspective. YOLO (you only live once) makes no sense at all. What kind of creator would create a world where some people get to experience many of the wonderful things life has to offer, while others come out of the womb impoverished, disabled, and casted aside, never experiencing the many joys of life?

Each life is an opportunity to cultivate the Divine Seed that resides in every human being. Each life is like a grade in school. If you successfully complete that curriculum given to you in a particular grade, you will advance to the next highest grade. In life when you cultivate your Divine Seed, by adhering to the Word of God, you will advance towards fulfilling your destiny and God’s plan; for man to become a Divine being , a God-Man/God-Woman on earth. This is Genesis; Man living in God’s image and likeness. Life on earth is just a steppingstone for man.

Man must transcend his human being status if he is to realize his/her Divine Self. Here is something to ponder. Would it make sense for someone to build a 200-room mansion and only live in one of the rooms? No, it would not. Our planet earth revolves around our sun and our sun is a star. There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on every beach in the world. 

Why would God create this vast universe and have Man only experience earth? It wouldn’t. Man’s existence is a fundamental component of God’s creation. The following statement comes from ancient  Egyptian spiritual texts, which sums up Man’s destiny.

“Become a Star and travel across the Sky with Ra in his boat of millions of years”.

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