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The Power of Trance

A trance is an introversion of the mind. When in trance one’s consciousness is directed inward, the individual becomes oblivious to his or her external environment. A trance is different from daydreaming in the sense that your thoughts are directed towards a specific thing. We go into a negative trance when, for example,  a person is extremely angry. When a person is extremely angry, usually go into a trance-like state. They become fixated on the thing that made them angry. This individual may commit horrible acts of violence because of their anger, acts that they would not ordinarily commit under calmer circumstances. In this case, the person has basically gone into a trance that blocked their mind from rational thought.

There is also a concept called a “Waking Trance”, which is a good trance because it is done intentionally. This brings us to a man named Edgar Cayce. Mr. Cayce had the ability to put himself into a waking-trance by lying down on a couch, closing his eyes, and folding his hands over his stomach. In this state of relaxation and meditation, he was able to answer questions regarding problems or illness a person may have and provide that person with a solution to their problem or illness. The accuracy of his readings made him a highly sought-after individual.

Some of Mr. Cayce’s high-profile clients include President Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Edison, Irving Berlin, and George Gershwin, just to name a few. Edgar Cayce performed over 14,000 readings and they are all on file at the A.R.E. Cayce headquarters in Virginia Beach. A.R.E. is an acronym for the Association for Research and Enlightenment.

This article is about trance, and the reason that I am referencing Edgar Cayce is to help validate a claim by traditional African Spiritualist that they communicate with their deceased ancestors and the spirits or deities that administer maintain order in the natural world through trance.  It is said, by the ancient Egyptians, that their great achievements in agriculture, medicine, astronomy, architecture, religion, and science were made possible through the direct communication with their ancestors.

If you know anything about ancient Egypt, then you know that they had one of, if not the most, fascinating culture known to man. Millions of dollars are spent every year on archeological research in Egypt to this day.  The world is awe struck by their advanced understanding of things that modern science is just getting around to understanding.

The ability to go into trance is something anyone can do. Many people participate in the science of meditation; however, many don’t understand the power of meditation. Most people indulge in mediation for stress relief or relaxation, but it has higher applications.

Meditation is the science of manipulating our focus of consciousness inward. Once we have set our consciousness within, we can do things, such as rituals, ancestor communication, invocation of a deity/archangels or to overcome a challenge in life.

Meditation is based on tension diaphragmatic breathing, and there are different rates of breathing for different purposes. Normally, we breath at the rate of 18 breaths per minute. If you breath at 4.5, for at least 30 minutes or more, you will go into a waking trance. To learn more about Meditation and diaphragmatic breathing check out our “Spiritual Development Course more detailed information CLICK HERE

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