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A Healthy Child / Parent Relationship

As parents, we all want the best for our children. We shower them with lots of love and care. Expressing our love is the first and most important thing you want your child to experience. This is the first step in the upbringing of our children.

The second most important thing you should give to your child or children is the power of discipline. Many parents fail to understand this, especially in the earlier stages of the child’s upbringing. Trying to instill discipline in your children after the ages of 10 and older is a big mistake and will cause you many heartaches down the road.

From the day a child in born he or she is inquisitive and imitative. They will learn what they see and hear. As a parent you must set the example and establish your authority with your children. If you smoke, curse, show anger, impatience, stress or violent behavior, your child will pick this up as acceptable behavior. It becomes extremely difficult to change them as they get older, because what they have learned from you over the years sticks.

Never let your child disrespect you, disobey you, hit you, or talk back to you without putting them in check. You must nip this type of behavior in the bud, don’t allow it to foster. Failing to provide your child with discipline will be detrimental to their ability to succeed in life.

Remember you cannot teach your child something that you do not follow yourself. They will see this and will begin to lose respect for you and will defy your authority. Set a good example and more times than not, your child will follow.

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