Spiritual Articles

An old person wearing glasses with a ring

The Power of Trance

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The Power of Trance A trance is an introversion of the mind. When in trance one’s consciousness is directed inward, the individual becomes oblivious to his or her external environment.…

Past Lives and Reincarnation

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Past Lives and Reincarnation  One of the most intriguing and polarizing questions from a spiritual standpoint is “do you believe in reincarnation?.”  Religions such Christianity, Islam and Judaism reject reincarnation;…

Religion and Science – Pascal, Einstein, Newtown

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Today, there are only a few scientist or physicist who will admit that the world/universe was created and maintained by a “God”. They are empiricist, one who must observe or…

The Nouveau Spiritual Trend

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Over the last two decades traditional religious organizations have seen their recruitment numbers drop steadily, year after year.  The younger generations don’t seem to “vibe”, with traditional religion the way…

Religion – Is It Man’s Template for Success?

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The word “Religion” has gotten a bad reputation over the past two or three decades. Many of the young people today are suspicious of religion, they do not trust religious…

Astrology and Spirituality

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The collective understanding of astrology is that it reveals a person’s personality based the day and month of their birth and where the celestial bodies are aligned at the time…

The Three Levels of Consciousness

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Throughout the world people express widely different views concerning morality, spirituality, culture. They also have various levels of education and upbring.  Regardless of any of the above, people fundamentally fall…

Esotericism versus Exotericism, and the Importance of Both

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Esoteric means hidden or obscure; specifically specialized or advanced knowledge. Exoteric means knowledge and information that is general knowledge to the masses.  In spiritual terms Exotericism refers to spiritual knowledge…

Balancing the two Hemispheres of the Brain

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We have all heard that the human brain is composed of two hemispheres, a left and a right. What you may not know is that these two hemispheres are diametrically…

The Four Brains of Man and Why We Have Them.

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The brain is the most complex organ in the human body, and over the last four to five decades, scientists, behavioralists, psychologist and others have made huge advancements in understanding…

The Illusion of “Will Power”

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Many motivational speakers and self-development gurus insist that you can achieve all your goals if you have strong “Will-Power.”  Think positive, Will yourself to success, they say. This may be…

Perception and Orientation

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How one perceives things depends on one’s orientation or view. The understanding of a thing is to have full awareness of all its properties. To achieve this, you must have…

Are the Freemasons and Other Secret Societies Spiritual?

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Most of us have heard of and are curious about the so-called secret societies of the world. The Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Knights Templars, the Skull and Bones, and Scientology…

Karmic Law – The Source of Divine Protection

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The ancients say, “God doesn’t punish, reward or protect, he leaves that to comfort of your own control.”  “What?!” you may say. Let’s look at this statement in depth.  It…

History of Religion and Spiritual Scriptures

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There have been many religions throughout the thousands of years of world history. The three most prominent religions are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.  They are similar in the fact that…

The Two Most Consequential Questions You Can Ever Ask

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To know yourself, to understand the world, to achieve remarkable success, you must ask and get answers to two important questions. Why did God create the World? Why did God…

Cosmology and Cosmogony

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A cosmogony is, according to Webster dictionary, “a theory of the origin of the universe – the creation or origin of the world or universe.”  Cosmology is the study of…

Ancients Cultures Preoccupation with Astronomy

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As far back as twenty-thousand years ago Astronomy was practice by advanced ancient civilizations.  Contrary to most of today’s astronomers, who use astronomy primarily from a scientific perspective; ancient astronomers…