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The Proper Way to Handle Conflict with Your Spouse

Every marriage or relationship will have conflict. The most important thing is how you deal with the conflict. Most conflicts come from a difference of opinion regarding a particular issue. It could be financial, social, political, spiritual, sexual, or parental.

The first thing that you must eliminate from the equation before the conflict can be resolved, is emotions. When we are highly emotional, we lose our ability to think clearly. Without calmness and clarity, the conversation will go off the rails. It would be helpful if you both engage in some form of meditation before engaging in an extremely sensitive discussion. Meditation puts you in a relaxed state mentally and physically. 

The next thing to do is be open to compromise. Try to find a middle-ground that you both can live with. If the discussion gets bogged down, take a break, and resume at another time or day. Patience, fairness, and love for each other will get you through these tough and sometimes sensitive issues.

If you think you can a use a mediator, we offer one-to-one consultations and counseling sessions to help you find a solution to your particular situation or issue. 

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