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Sibling Fighting and Arguing

The age of the internet and social media has made parenting exponentially harder than it was 25-30 years ago.  The inundation of nonsense that spews out of the internet, movies and tv programs negatively effects our children. The messaging that comes out of these portals are detrimental to our kids and requires astute parenting to save our children from the worst that society has to offer. 

When you observe your children arguing or fighting you should intervene immediately and forcefully. Express to them that fighting and heated arguments will not be tolerated, and that honest and open communication is the best way to work out their differences.

Home is where our children learn to socialize and how to interact with other human beings. If at an early age they believe that fighting, bullying, or arguing with their siblings or parents is normal, then this is how they will conduct themselves in society.

Aggression, selfishness, and a lack of empathy is a formula for failure and will bring about many hardships throughout their life. Talk with your children about the violence and anti-social behavior they see on TV,  the internet or in a video game.  Explain to them  that in real life this type of behavior has consequences and precipitates a lot of pain and suffering. Teach them that violence and aggression is not the only way to right a wrong. Encourage them to see that LOVE is greater than hate. 

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