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The Right Time to Talk to Your Child about Sex

Today, it is almost impossible to prevent your child from being exposed to some sort of sexual content. From loose TV and movie ratings to sexually explicit songs, and unfettered access to the internet, our children are inundated with sex related content. Children as young as 5 years old are being exposed to things they shouldn’t be exposed to. As a society we need to do better. Stop putting profits before values and principals.

Because this reality is no going away anytime soon, it is time to ask –“When, and how should I speak with my child about sex? 

In my view, as early as five or six years of age. Not in the sense of its pleasure or so-called love, but in a practical sense. Let your child know that sex is for late teens and adults. Let them know that Its purpose is to procreate with someone you love and care about and vice versa. Teach them that having sex at the wrong time or with the wrong person can cause them lots of problems in the future and may limit their opportunities to fulfill their dreams.

Our society today exposes our children to too much sex and violence at the earliest of ages. Children are inquisitive and imitative. Would it not behoove a society to teach its children positive values and principals instead appealing to their physical and sensual desires?  This is truly unfortunate, because this early exposure to sex and violence is a major reason why many of our children are depressed, uninspired, and selfish.  As the Proverb states:  It takes a village to raise our children with the proper morals, values and principal that make a society functional and prosperous., Until there is change in our society, be diligent and proactive in regards to the content your children is exposed to..

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