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The Importance of Your Child’s Ethnic Pride & Self Esteem

The world can be a mean place at times, especially on the internet and social media, which so happens to be the place where our children spend a lot of time. Thinking highly of themselves and their ethnicity is a major component of self-esteem.

Each of us are born with unique characteristics, we vary in so many ways. Society, however, makes judgements on our beliefs, looks, and our religious or philosophical views. Therefore, it is vital that we help our children to cultivate pride in their ethnicity and in turn their self-esteem.

According to a research study in 2009, by psychologist Jelani Mandara, of Northwestern University, “efforts to enhance youngsters’ sense of ethnic pride at home, in the classroom and in mental health settings are not just appropriate but important to their mental health.”  The findings further states that “regardless of self-esteem, as feelings of ethnic pride go up, mental health tends to increase as well.”

This is important because we want our children to embrace and respect their ethnicity and culture. Pride in one’s ethnicity will help shield your children from hateful rhetoric and racist propaganda. They should be well informed of who their ancestors were and the beauty of their culture and ethnicity.

Another cause of self-doubt and low self-esteem generates from our perception of our physical looks, the shape of our body or our economic status. As a parent you must be aware of how your child feels about themselves. Express to them that we all have talents and beauty that is expressed in different ways. Teach them that the Greatest Love Of All is the Love of Self.

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