Life Coaching

The difficulties and challenges we face in life becomes so overwhelming at times that not even our family or friends can help. These type of problems usually emerge our soul is not settled. There are philosophical, spiritual, and personal beliefs that you have that doesn’t vibe with your family and friends. At times like this you need intelligent, non-judgmental, and Life Coaching that will help you make sense of whatever is troubling you. Having someone to bounce things off of, or to seek a second opinion regarding an important decision anonymously, and discreetly is extremely helpful in regard to finding answers to your unique situation.
Transcending the Labyrinth offers one-to-one Life Coaching and counseling sessions that will give you the insight you need to successful overcome any challenge, problem, or situation that you are experiencing.

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Life Coaching

We offer a collection of Life Coaching and Counseling services to assist you in your spiritual journey.

$50/30 mins
First 15 Minutes $1.00


Life Coaching / Counseling

We offer a collection of spiritual teachings and counseling services to assist you in your spiritual journey. The journey of understanding oneself, one’s purpose, and the why. Why am I here?  What’s all this about?  Why was I created? Where is God? These are the questions that many have given up on getting answers for, because it’s either too complicated, mysterious, confusing, or in some cases nonsensical.

There are Spiritual Truths, and they can be verified when you understand the path to be taken. We assist you in getting on that path. It’s the path of realization of one’s True Self.  As the ancients have declare: “Knowledge of Self is the Beginning and End of All Knowledge.

Once you have obtained this wisdom, all things and events in your life will become crystal clear. You will achieve a Peace that nothing on earth can disturb. “Nirvana” “Amen”, “Buddha”, “Krishna”, they all mean the same thing – PEACE! This Peace is not related to “peace on earth”, this Peace is the primordial and natural state of God and Man, a heavenly Peace.

We will help you discover the answers to your Spiritual questions. We only help you with what you want to know, not what we want to tell you. It’s your journey, we are here to assist you.


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