Picture of Malik Green

Transcending the Labyrinth of Life!

– Living Stress-Free in a Complex World

The massive number of news media outlets churning out various and contradictory views of world events has inflicted large-scale anxiety, anger, confusion, fear, and discontent in the minds of millions of people. Millions of people are stressed to their limit and have difficulty making sense of the world. Somehow the world’s moral compass has dramatically deviated. We all know how deadly stress can be to our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. So, how can you live a stress-free life in a complex and confusing world? The answer is by acquiring “Knowledge of Self,” because “Knowledge of Self” is the beginning and end of all knowledge. The inner peace one gains through the acquisition of knowledge of self, allows one to go through life, with all its ups and downs; and twists and turns with a sense of calm and confidence.

Transcending the Labyrinth of Life is a website that provides insightful, thought-provoking, and empowering information that will help you overcome the challenges of life, and achieve peace, joy, prosperity, love, and abundance in the here and now and, in the Afterlife. With the insightful and empowering information provided on this site, anger, fear, stress, or hopelessness is not a response that you would entertain. You will understand the dynamics of human behavior. You will understand who you are and why you exist. You will be fully aware of the intricacies of life and living. You will acquire confidence in your ability to overcome any challenge life brings you. You will know your purpose for being thus nothing on earth can disturb your inner peace or state of equilibrium. Navigate the content on our website for more information regarding life management skills and stress-free living to improve your quality of life.