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The collective understanding of astrology is that it reveals a person’s personality based the day and month of their birth and where the celestial bodies are aligned at the time of birth. For some, reading their daily horoscope is a ritual. According to the Zodiac there are twelve different personalities, and it describes in detail each of these personalities. Many people also believe that astrology can predict outcomes of certain events in their lives.

Only half of the above statement is true. First, there is no statistical data to determine the veracity of the claim that astrology can predict events. There are so many variables to any given event that correctly predicting the outcome is unlikely. On the other hand, astrology does do an excellent job of detailing a person’s personality based on when that person was born.

So, how does astrology relate to spirituality?

To connect astrology to spirituality we must first realize that the personalities spoken of in astrology are attributes, talents, and abilities that are innate to a person born at a certain time. The Tree of Life is composed of eleven (11) archangel/deities and each one corresponds to a set of attributes, talents, emotions, etc. All events in a person’s life are controlled and manifested by these eleven (11) deities or archangels.

The Astrological Tree of Life diagram above shows the organizational and hierarchal attributes of God and Man. As stated in the book of Genesis “And God said, “Let us make man in our own image and likeness”. The “Us” is God’s faculties, his attributes which are represented by archangels or deities.

The following is a simplified understanding of the Astrological Tree of Life. The numbers represent the archangels/deities and their hierarchal status. For the sake of simplicity, the names of these archangels or deities will be addressed further in our Spiritual Teachings section. For this article we will just use the numbers.

The first three, 0, 1, and 2 corresponds to man’s divine self-image and divine powers, faculties and attributes. These three archangels/deities are what is commonly known as the Holy Trinity and are only accessible to those who have fully cultivated the Divine Seed residing within all human beings. This is the destiny of all Men and Women.

The number “10” corresponds to man’s physical body. The numbers 3 thru 9 are the seven personality traits exhibited by human beings. We are born manifesting one, sometimes two, of these personality traits. The others are within us but are latent; however, each of us has the potential to manifest all seven personalities with the proper cultivation.

One’s personality or persona governs one’s talents, thinking and emotions. Each person’s persona dictates how they view and respond to life’s issues. Some would say “why would I want multiple personalities”? Here is how I will answer that. Life brings us many challenges, obstacles, and opportunities. How we respond to them determines how successful we are in addressing those issues.

The innate personality that one is born with isn’t sufficient to deal with all the challenges, obstacles, and opportunities in an appropriate manner. For example, a person with an aggressive, assertive, and extroverted personality will do well in a situation that requires aggression, assertiveness, and boldness; however, this personality would be ineffective at dealing with a situation that calls for calmness, patience, and humility. Having the capacity to call on any of the personalities at will, would make one exponentially more successful in one’s relationships, career, marriage, parenting and so on.

To have access to all seven personalities one must reunite with his Divine Self-image through the successful cultivation of his or her Divine Seed.

*** More in-depth knowledge on this topic is available in our “Spiritual Teachings” section.  Click here


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