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We have all heard that the human brain is composed of two hemispheres, a left and a right. What you may not know is that these two hemispheres are diametrically opposed, yet complementary and interdependent of each other. Each hemisphere has a totally different function from the other, yet neither hemisphere functions properly without the other.

To make sense of this we need to understand that underlying all mental activities two things are going on. The left-hemisphere, which separates things, allows us to see ourselves as individuals, separate from other things and people, its function is to segregate. The right-hemisphere is the complete opposite, it is responsible for integrating things. It reveals the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things.  It integrates us with our environment, other people and all the other creatures of the earth.  This hemisphere helps us to see the unity of all things.

An example of this phenomenon at work, is when you are reading. , your left-hemisphere is recognizing each individual word in a sentence, and within a nano-second, your right-hemisphere integrates those word into one complete thought. Quite complementary. Both functions are paramount to our ability to survive and thrive in life.  The left-hemisphere is segregative, it separates wholes into parts. It allows us to recognize the differences in things through sight, touch, sound, taste, and smell. 

The right hemisphere is integrative. It recognizes that all the different things in the world are one thing. It recognizes the unity and interconnectedness of everything from an atom to a galaxy. It allows to us see and understand abstract principles and concepts such as the metaphysical world. The right-hemisphere is also the realm of creativity and imagination.

An individual can be left-hemisphere dominate or right-hemisphere dominate.  A left hemisphere dominated person’s mode of thinking would be analytical, deductive, linear, segregative and would mostly likely have an extroverted personality. An individual who is right hemisphere dominated will have a mode of thinking that would be synthetical, holistic, congregative, creative and would most likely have an introverted personality.

The goal is to have the proper balance between the left and right hemispheres because being too left or too right sided is detrimental to one’s spiritual and personal development. 

*** More detailed information on this subject in our Spiritual Teachings section. Click here

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