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After a divorce or relationship breakup between two people who have a child or children together usually agree to co-parent the child or children. In order for this to work effectively, the two parties must form an agreed upon method of carrying out the job of co-parenting.  It is already hard enough on the child or children to have to deal with the breakup of their mom and dad, they don’t need to be victimized by heated arguments or antagonistic behavior by the two people they love.

It is vital that both parents show love and respect for one another. Both parents should sit down with the children and explain to them the “what and why” of the situation. This goes a long way in helping our children cope with the breakup, it will help to relieve some of the anxieties or concerns they may have about the separation.  It would also be good to do things together with the children even if you both have new mates. Children need the love and care of both of their parents.  

A positive and cordial relationship with your ex will help your children to develop and grow into happy and productive human beings.  You brought them into to this world, do not neglect your responsibility. They only have you. If you don’t love them and take care of them shame on you. Failure to love, protect, and care for your children is shameful and immoral. Put aside your selfish desires and petty grievances for the sake of your children.

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