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A cosmogony is, according to Webster dictionary, “a theory of the origin of the universe – the creation or origin of the world or universe.”  Cosmology is the study of cosmogonies. A deeper look into the word cosmology reveals a deeper understanding. Cosmology means the study (logy) of order (cosmos from the Greek term Kos, meaning order. Hence, cosmology is the study of order. This order is referring to the order of the universe.  How it was formed and how its order is maintained. 

Where did these cosmogonies or theories originate? Is there any validity to them? The “Big Bang” is technically a cosmogony. Physicists, Nano scientist, and astronomers are constantly searching for the TOE, Theory Of Everything.  Ancient civilizations, such as the Mayans, Egyptians, Dogons, Sumerians, Taoist, Minoans, and many other ancient cultures possessed written documents and oral stories about the creation of the universe and everything in it.

These ancient creation theories are dismissed by the scientific community of today.  The reason for their dismissal is that modern scientist will only deal with the concrete, they refuse to dabble in the abstract.  All the creation theories by ancient cultures are through myths, metaphors, allegories, and aphorisms. These myths, metaphors, allegories, and aphorisms consist of abstract concepts that only the initiated or a high priest/priestess of those ancient cultures could decipher.

To the uninitiated, these ancient creation claims are nothing more than made up superstitious, folklore to explain the unexplainable. The Egyptians, Mayans, Minoans, Dogons, Taoist, Sumerians, etc. were highly sophisticated cultures. They understood and operated in the metaphysical realm, as well as the material realm. Today, many of us are not aware of or in tune with the metaphysical realm of existence.

The universe and man are unimaginable complexities. The purpose of a cosmogony is to explain an abstract concept in a way that may be logical and understandable to the average human being.  I’m sure many of you have heard the phrase “As Above, So Below”.  It is a spiritual term to denote that as things are above, they are the same below.  God provides us with many examples for us to see this, e.g., a tree’s branches are the same as the tree’s roots below.  In the bigger picture, man’s makeup is the same as the universe. 

Man is the microcosm, and the universe is the macrocosm. The laws that govern and maintain order in the universe are the same exact laws governing mankind’s path to its extraordinary destiny.  Therefore, we must not fully dismiss the cosmogonies of the ancients, and if we do, we will miss out on the valuable information they offer about the supreme creator, ourselves, and the world we live in.

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