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Does Your Spouse Have Access to Your Mobile Phone?

Thousands of marriages and relationships have gone south because of one simple question.

“what’s the password to your phone honey?”

Our mobile phones are more than just a phone, text, and internet tool. Our mobile phones contain our most personal and intimate information. This makes this question very difficult to answer correctly. On one hand, we all, married or not, believe there is a certain level of privacy that is needed, and on the other hand, there is the question of trust.

The best option is to give your spouse access to your phone, but make sure you don’t leave information that you don’t want your spouse to see. For example, when you are browsing the internet, use private browsing, or clear your browsing history when you’re done. You should also delete all texts that you don’t want your spouse to see. You can also create a special folder to store photos and videos that you want to keep private. Hopefully, the things you want to keep secret are not marriage busters, like cheating, gambling, criminal activity, or porn. It’s a touchy subject, however, it must be addressed. 

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