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As far back as twenty-thousand years ago Astronomy was practice by advanced ancient civilizations.  Contrary to most of today’s astronomers, who use astronomy primarily from a scientific perspective; ancient astronomers used astronomy for both agricultural and spiritual purposes.

The Mayans, Egyptians, Dogons, Sumerians, Aztecs, Druids, and others, understood astronomy on a highly sophisticated level.  This was done without the advanced electronic telescopes of today.  For example, the Dogon people of Mali, knew of the star Sirius thousands of years before it was discovered by western astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel in 1844. The Dogons claim it is the home of their ancestors.

All advanced ancient societies closely tracked the winter and summer solstices and spring and fall equinoxes. It was practical and spiritual for most of them. Many ancient societies held huge celebrations or practiced rituals during these periods. The Mayans had a long calendar and a civil calendar. Both were based on the movement of the celestial bodies. The civil calendar was related to the length of a year. The long calendar was used to predict long term changes of the celestial bodies.

The long calendar was used  to identify or to indicate certain events thousands of years in advance, and major shifts in the lives of humanity and the world based on the location of certain celestial bodies. The ancients understood that the galaxies, solar systems, planets, and moons were not just something beautiful or wonderous to look at. The ancients understood that the God, the universe, and Man are innately connected. Having a great understanding of the – what, why, and how of the universe provides one a greater understanding of God, Man and the purpose of Creation.

Modern society has lost interest and desire to pursue abstract principals.  He has become more materialistic and superficial to his own detriment. The ancients were not superstitious nor fools, they understood life and being on a larger scale, beyond earth.   No one builds a thousand room mansion and only live in one of the rooms.  There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on every beach in the world, and exponentially more planets.  Our higher destiny is beyond this earth, but earth is our proving grounds, the place where man cultivates his Divine Seed.

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