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How Can I Revive My Marriage After an Affair?

Infidelity is the number one reason people get divorced. When your spouse finds out that you had an intimate relationship with someone else, it can be devastating. All types of emotions run through you; your life has been turned upside down. You ask yourself, what should I do? Should I leave or should I stay? The answer to this question depends on  a few factors. 

One, what was the impetus of the affair? Two, how intimate is or was the affair? And third, Is the guilty party remorseful?

There is not a simple yes or no answer to the question of reviving a marriage after an affair. You need to take stock of your relationship. You need to determine the pros and cons of staying or leaving. Finding the cause of the infidelity is primary. If you know your spouse truly loves you but has a sex addiction problem, or had a weak moment at the wrong time, then your marriage may be revivable if all other aspects of the marriage is good.

If there are other problems in the marriage, I don’t care how much they love you, it may be time to move on from this person. Admitting wrongdoing and pledging to be better is what you want to hear. If they start trying to justify their transgressions, it is time to move on. It’s not easy ending any relationship, especially when you have invested 10 or more years of your life into the marriage or relationship. So, if possible, it’s always best to try to repair a troubled marriage as opposed to moving on and starting anew. Like I said, weigh the pros and cons, be honest with yourself and you’ll make the right decision. 

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