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The ancients say, “God doesn’t punish, reward or protect, he leaves that to comfort of your own control.”  “What?!” you may say. Let’s look at this statement in depth.  It is speaking of Karma and Karmic Law. Karma is cause and effect. You reap, what you sow. According to the above statement God does not and will not interfere with a person’s free will; however, there are consequences for our actions and deeds.

Just because you go to a church, synagogue, mosque, or any other spiritual temple and pray to the Creator, it doesn’t warrant you divine protection.  You must live God’s spiritual laws not just recite them. She knows the difference. The spiritual laws work the same as natural laws. The law of gravity states that if you leaped from a hundred story building you will fall to the ground at a tremendous velocity and when you hit the ground, you will die. No amount of praying will save you.

It is the same with spiritual laws, when you violate them, you cause suffering to your own soul.  When you refuse to forgive others, you violate the law of oneness.  God loves all, transgressors included. It is not our job to punish wrongdoers. We should always protect ourselves from wrongdoers, or remove them from our environment, but, if possible, we should try to help them see the errors of their ways.  Punishment is administered by God, at the right time and in the right amount.  It’s the same when we do good deeds and live morals lives. The reward we earn may need to come in our next incarnation, so that God can provide the exact reward.  We reap what we sow, God doesn’t play favorites.

Learn more about the 11 Laws of God in our Spiritual Teachings section. Click here

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