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Parents Biggest Challenge Today

Societal and Peer pressure has made the job of parenting exponentially harder than ever before. People of integrity, honor, and high moral character have been replaced by celebrities and star athletes, in which many of them, represent the opposite of honor, integrity and moral character . The troubling part is that these celebrities and star athletes have become the major influencers of our children. These celebrities and star athletes are puppets of the major corporations who are only interested in selling our children anything and everything. 

I have seen the decline in morality and decency in this country change dramatically. For example, in the 60’s and 70’s you would never see a husband and wife in the same bed. You would never see children disrespecting their parents. You would never see unfettered violence and sex on prime-time television.  Unfortunately, this is not the reality  today, content that was rated “R” in the past, (17 & older) is now shown to children as young as 8 years old. This is done all for the sake of making money. Our children’s well-being is being sacrificed for monetary gain.

Many parents work hard to raise their children to be respectful, hardworking, honest, and moral human beings; however, the corporate world is force-feeding our children a lot of garbage and it is detrimental to their growth and development.  Even when parents try to teach their children about good values and principals, the internet, social media, and the entertainment industry does the opposite.  

Even when parents are successful at limiting the negative content projected at our children, their peers will have a larger effect on what they choose to do, because our children are bombarded with the message that Parents don’t know anything. This messaging is done through movies, TV programming and the internet.  As a society we must do better. If we let this type of foolishness go on, our country is headed for a chaotic and uncertain future. We need moral leadership now more than ever. As a parent, keep parenting. Do the best you can to combat the destructive messaging that your child is receiving.

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