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Physical Bullying and Cyber Bullying – How to Help Your Child Cope

Regardless of your economic status, your children are susceptible to being bullied physically or psychologically; or perhaps be a bully themselves. Bullies have probably been around since the beginning of time; however, in today’s state of civilization cruelty towards one another is commonplace, and with the advent of the internet and social media bullying has risen to a whole new level.

Bullying is the art or science of intimidation. Some people bully because of some insecurity they may have, others bully because they can receive material gain by placing fear into another human being.

Our society is doing a horrible job  of curtailing bullying among our youth. The reason for this is simple, the powers that be talk out of both side of their mouths. One hand, we do public service announcements, workshops, send out flyers and brochures about the negative effects of bullying and how it will not be tolerated. On the other hand, our youth are inundated and inculcated with violence, sex, greed, and materialism by way of the television, the internet, and even through the evening news.

The best defense against bullying is self-esteem. You must teach your child to love him or herself. To respect themselves and others, but always stand up, not for what they believe in, but for what is right. Teach your child/children the value of honor, integrity, courage, and self-love.

As a parent you must look out for signs that your child is being bullied. Look for signs of depression, failing grades in school, not wanting to go to school or to go out to play. Know the vibes of your community and communicate with other parents to learn more about what’s going on in your district. Until our so-called community and political leaders effectively address this issue, you must stay alert to any signs that your child is being bullied, or is a bully, which is just as horrifying.

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