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The Stages of a Marriage – Staying the Course

As we have all heard, almost 50% of all marriages in the U.S. end in divorce. Some marriages are bad and need to be dissolved, some should have never occurred at all. There are many marriages that fall apart even though the two people really love and care for one another. These marriages most likely dissolved because of an issue such as infidelity, or drug or alcohol addiction, and it significantly affected one of the partners in the marriage.  Most marriages though end because of a lack of communication.

All marriages go through stages. When we understand these stages, we can effectively deal with them as they arrive. Usually, the first stage is full of optimism, joy, and excitement. In the second stage, which is about 4 to 5 years into the marriage, challenges, whether they be financial, emotional, professional, parental, or even sexual, begin to arrive. The complexity of marriage hits you square in the face.
The third stage occurs when one or both partners begin thinking that maybe the grass is greener on the other side. At this stage the marriage is in jeopardy and Infidelity is usually the main culprit. 

The excitement of a new relationship is enticing.  You have hopes are that this new person is just what you need and want in a relationship. What you fail to recognize at this point is that you are at stage one with this new person, and that you will go through the same stages with this new person ,that you are going through with your current “love”. It is Déjà vu, all over again.

Most of the time, you are better off staying the course with your current love. Learn patience, and forgiveness and you will be rewarded in stage four, the stage where you and your partner figured out how to overcome and reconcile your differences. You will find that your bond with each other becomes much stronger, you start to appreciate and love each other more than you ever have.

Stage five is the tearing down of the wall of division. You and your partner have become one. You and your partner have become one. You live for each other, there is nothing that can come between you and your partner, not your kids, not money, nothing. Stay the Course, it’s worth it!  Click here For additional relationship assistance.

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