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The True Value of Marriage

Marriage, to a lot of people, especially those who are not married, is just a commitment
between two people to be partners in life for the rest of their life. That thought is only half
true. The real value of marriage is that is serves as an instrument to aid an individual in
their personal and spiritual development.

From childhood to puberty and into early adulthood we develop beliefs about life,
ourselves, and others. We form opinions on social, moral, spiritual, and economic issues
as we develop into adulthood. These opinions and belief become part of who we are.
As we begin to engage with the opposite-sex, we look for someone who is in line with our
beliefs and opinions. However, it is extremely rare to find a mate with the same beliefs
and opinions that you have, not to mention the physical traits you desire. Since it is not
likely that you will find that ready-made perfect mate, you must come to the realization
that you must put in work to form that special union with another human being.

Once you have made the decision to marry a person, recognize that there is going to be
challenges, but these challenges, when confronted correctly, will help you grow
personally and spiritually by cultivating oneness, patience, humility, sharing, and
sacrifice. Be cognizant of the fact that you and your mate are opposite polarities of the
same thing, Man. Man is a duality, male / female, masculine / feminine, diametrically
opposed, but interdependent and complementary. Ying/Yang. Forming this type of union
is priceless.  Click here

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